ARE YOU TIED IN FOR LIFE on Your Equipment, Pigments, Needles etc. & What Will Be Your On-Going Re-Stocking Costs?
This is a very common problem we find many students find them-selves caught in. Once you have trained with a particular company you need to find out whether or not you are free to chop and change your pigments, needles and machinery etc.
Will Your Training Company Restrict You
From Changing Products in the Future…
Now although its unlikely you will change your permanent makeup machine for a few years (they are not the cheapest things to buy!), you may be rightly inclined to try different pigments etc. As your confidence grows and you want to try and improve your treatments, it is only natural that you may want to experiment with other pigments and colours. The last thing you want is to be restricted to only the pigments that your original training company provides.
What About Your Insurance Cover…
The problem that a lot of training companies give their students is that because they make a lot of on-going revenue from selling you more pigments & needles etc. they will tell you that should you go elsewhere or change from using their pigments etc. this will in-validate your insurance!!!
Will the Training Company Dictate To You & Restrict You…
So find out if you are training directly with the manufacturer of the machine and pigments or with a training company that is not tied to only 1 brand?
Consider this: the manufacturers will only train you in their own products and machine & it is also in the manufacturers best interest that you buy as much as possible.
Will You Have Freedom of Choice & Shown The Best Options…
A freelance trainer, however, can recommend the best on the market, train you in multiple products and find a machine that is right for you at the right budget without being bias.
What Will Your Re-Stocking Costs Be…
What is also vitally important to find out before you decide to train with a particular company is the cost of re-stocking the products you need to per-form your treatments.
The worst thing that can happen is… that you don’t do your research & you end up training with a firm that you are committed to for life, who charge £40+ per pigment (you normally need around 20 pigments when you start & will need to be regularly restocking – so add that up) & you are tied to purchasing them forever, unless you do another expensive training course elsewhere.
One of the reasons that I set up The Permanent Makeup Training Academy was to do so in such a way that totally eliminates this kind of problem that exists in the industry.
Save Up To 80% on Stock…
Once students have trained with me, we do not sell pigments & needles etc. What we do is simply tell you where you can buy them wholesale, saving you anything from 25% to up to 80% of your on-going costs.
As you can imagine, most of our students really appreciate this & it is one of the big advantages of training with a company like ours that is not tied into any one equipment provider.
What is quite shocking however is the look on the faces of students who come to me for re-training (after initially training with another company & being tied into buying from them), when they realise how much they had been over-charged on their goods up until now. The savings they make on on-going restocking costs alone usually outweigh the costs of re-training with me within their very first year.
Click the button below to read part 5 in this series